Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Leisure Courses

Today I signed up for two leisure courses at the University of Florida. Leisure courses are a great way to familiarize yourself with your local college/university and start stretching your mind again! The idea of ‘going to college’ as an overall goal will be less intimidating once you have wandered the campus a bit, figured out parking and enjoyed yourself in some non-credit, no pressure or exams type classes.

Make sure to search your college’s website for these courses- some of them are tucked away under titles such as ‘Continuing Education’ or ‘Community Enrichment’ etc and may not be easy to spot straight away! My courses were on the student resource building- the Reitz Union – website and advertised in the campus newspaper. I’m excited- twice a week I will have something fun that I enjoy doing to look forward to after work. I will be devoting time to my neglected creative side. I’m taking ‘Drawing: Experimental’ Description as follows-

‘Are you interested in learning to draw or in improving your drawing skills? This class will make drawing seem less intimidating, teaching you tricks and easy short-cuts to get your drawings to look as good as they can! You will experiment with a variety of materials, including pencil, ink, washes, conte, charcoal, and much more to learn which material suits you the best! You will learn to draw from photos, draw from memory, and to draw objects of your own choosing.'

I’m not sure how much extra free time I will have to devote to drawing outside of class but even if my drawings aren’t the best in the class at least I will get to learn some new techniques! I will keep you updated on my progress.

As well drawing, Im taking Home Bartending where I will learn to mix different drinks. It should be a lot of fun and I hope to develope a new hobby- mixology ;) It is an impressive practical skill to know as well!

The drawing class is small- 7 people in total, whereas the bartending class is massive- 30 people! Its a great opportunity to meet new people :)

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death”
Albert Einstein

“It is better to create than to be learned, creating is the true essence of life”
Barthold Georg Niebuhr

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